Bitcoin for Truckers: How a Canadian union, banned by GoFundMe, is using crypto to fight oppression

By Daniel Abel 5 Min Read
Bitcoin for Truckers in canada
Truckers in Canada are using Bitcoin to fight govt oppression

Key Takeaways

  • GoFundMe receives backlash for ending trucker’s donation.
  • Bitcoin to eliminate the old centralized power.

NIGERIA ( — Bitcoin has given truckers in Canada an alternative way to raise funds after the suspension of their GoFundMe campaign.

In detail, truckers in Canada started protesting the country’s new COVID-19 regulations directed towards the trucking industry. Since then, the protest gained momentum and quickly raised about $9 million via a GoFundMe campaign to support the movement.

However, following the Canadian authority’s demand, GoFundMe suspended the fundraising campaign and announced plans to reimburse donors. According to the crowdfunding platform, the protest violated its rules because it developed from a peaceful demonstration to an occupation.

Police in Ottawa expressed delight with the crowdfunding platform’s decision to end the fundraising campaign for the truckers.

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“We want to thank GoFundMe for listening to our concerns as a City and a police service. The decision to withhold funding for these unlawful demonstrations is an important step and we call on all crowdfunding sites to follow.”

Ottawa police tweeted.

Former Canadian Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna also condemned the protest. She recommended that the government set up a parliamentary committee to bring the protest donors and recipients to book.

Bitcoin For Truckers in Canada

GoFundMe’s decision to stop the trucker’s donation sparked massive condemnation and outcry from the general public. In addition, it revealed the importance of a decentralized currency, which returns power to the people and provides financial freedom.

Hence, after GoFundMe’s decision, the truckers in Canada turn to Bitcoin to continue pursuing their demand. As a result, the organizers of the Freedom Convoy embraced digital currency and launched a “Bitcoin for Truckers” campaign.

According to a Twitter account @honkhonkhodl, since the Bitcoin for truckers campaign was launched, they have received over two BTC via donations. Furthermore, it disclosed that it had already accomplished half of the targeted bitcoin goal in less than three days of the campaign launch.

@HonkHonkHodl noted that over 2,000 donors have participated in the Bitcoin for Truckers campaign. Further, it revealed that interest in the campaign has been growing exponentially as the layer2 lighting network has recorded a massive surge.

It is worth noting that the Bitcoin for truckers campaign uses Tallycoin to receive these funds. Unlike GoFundMe, Tallycoin helps the campaigners to receive Bitcoins directly into their wallets where they can easily and efficiently use to facilitate their mission.

Bitcoin To Eliminate The Old Centralized Power

While several people have criticized GoFundMe for ending the fundraising campaign, others have pointed out that its decision will benefit the crypto space.

Jason Deane, via his Twitter handle, noted that the Bitcoin for truckers campaign came because of the crowdfunding platform decision. He explained that the GoFundMe decision creates a perfect use case for bitcoin, and the top crypto is set to eliminate the old centralized financial system.

He said, “#GoFundMe’s ability to remove donations under pressure is (another) perfect use case for #bitcoin . The centralized powers of the old way are being eroded.”

Similarly, Marty Bent popular bitcoin supporter in a blog post, also condemned GoFundMe’s decision. She noted GoFundMe and the Canadian government crackdown only endorsed and pursued the people closer to Bitcoin.

“Bitcoin is an imperative and today’s events make this fact more evident than ever,” she said.

Also, William Hodl, via Twitter, expressed displeasure with GoFundMe’s decision to halt the campaign donations.

He said, Thank God for Bitcoin. Can’t believe @gofundme is against freedom. #bitcoin  to the rescue. Over 3 bitcoin raised for truckers already.Eventually everyone will use crypto for donations. No one needs you @gofundme.

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