Crypto maxis criticized for promoting Bitcoin amid Afghanistan crisis

Key Takeaways

  • As the Afghan crisis unfolded, some saw in the crisis the perfect opportunity to promote Bitcoin.
  • The arguments that Bitcoin would have prevented the war in Afghanistan did not sit well with observers.
  • Aghast crypto-fans denounced Bitcoin Maximalists over their tasteless memes and tweets.

YEREVAN ( — Ever since news of the Taliban’s advancements and the eventual fall of capital Kabul to the terrorist outfit, people took to the net to express their horror. Many denounced the events and expressed solidarity with the people of Afghanistan.

Among all the condemnation, some people tried to point out the supremacy of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies over modern financial systems. People condemned their attempts to bank on the misery of Afghans and denounced them as “cringeworthy.”

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As Ashraf Ghani, the President of Afghanistan, fled the country, Afghans rushed to the banks. Thousands of residents lined up hoping to claim their hard-earned cash before the Taliban seizes financial institutions. While some were successful, many returned empty-handed.

The predicament in which the Afghans found themselves formed a strong argument for the institutional adoption of crypto. What if, many asked, Afghans had saved their earnings in cryptocurrencies instead of fiat money? What if they had their cash in a digital wallet or a pen drive? They could flee the country carrying their money with them digitally.

Additionally, the Taliban, which relies on money inflow to operate, would not finance their operations. While the argument makes perfect sense, some took it too far.

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Crypto maxis denounced over Afghanistan tweets 

Among the sensible arguments, some took to Twitter, trying to act cocky.

Max Keiser shared a video of Afghans running behind a U.S Air Force plane, a proud Bitcoin Maximalist. Hoping to be evacuated, the Afghans tried to catch the flight out of the country. Keiser used the heartbreaking video as a meme to describe crypto skeptics.

Although he had hoped to earn some laughs, Twitter users denounced his tweet as “disgusting.” One user even called him “detached from reality.”

The problems faced by the people of Afghanistan are beyond financial. Years of rape, torture, illiteracy, and hunger are pressing issues Bitcoin would not have solved.

Some argued that a crypto-based industry would have prevented the war altogether. However, using the crisis as an opportunity to market Bitcoin by maximalists was tasteless.

Michaël van de Poppe termed the behavior of maximalists as “shameful.”

While the president, the Central Bank, and the United States left the Afghans to fend for themselves, it is uncertain what the future holds. However, using the decades-old crisis to argue for something as new as crypto is insensitive and shameful.

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