Monero Aims to Cover Lost Ground While BudBlockz Maintains a Stable Rise

Monero Aims to Cover Lost Ground While BudBlockz Maintains a Stable Rise

Cryptocurrencies are so unpredictable that you can’t always tell what direction they will go. Hence, it is necessary for potential investors to carefully study patterns to find out which crypto assets would be more suitable for their portfolio. It is best to invest in cryptocurrencies with solid use cases and utilities to guarantee success. 

Lately, the crypto ecosystem has suffered a massive decline, with the shrinking of asset volumes leaving investors anxious. Fortunately, while assets like Monero (XMR), which lost value this year, try to recover, BudBlockz (BLUNT) continues to see positive returns, reaching for the sky. Here’s a look at how BudBlockz has been able to stay stable.

Monero (XMR) is Struggling for a Comeback

Monero (XMR) is a decentralized, open-source protocol infamous for its privacy. The protocol keeps the information of both senders and receivers hidden during transactions. XMR is the platform’s indigenous token and is known for its utility features.

Since its debut in 2014, Monero (XMR) has grown exponentially, becoming one of the biggest cryptocurrencies in the world by 2016. However, Monero (XMR) has struggled to keep investors happy because, despite its growth, it cannot stay on top, plummeting and hitting new lows.

Following the market crash this year, Monero (XMR) has tried to make a comeback, fighting to get back on top. For a very long time, the token has been consolidating around $130, but after the recent FTX crash, XMR has seen a positive move, trying to regain previous levels.

One reason for this comeback can be attributed to their integration with the Snowfall Protocol for secure swapping with other tokens. It solves the problem of XMR holders’ inability to convert to fiat currency. The bulls on the side of Monero have strengthened as the stance on higher prices increased. Analysts and investors predict that the next few weeks will prove advantageous for Monero.

BudBlockz (BLUNT) Maintains Stability Despite Uncertainty

The revolutionary way BudBlockz (BLUNT) took the investment industry by storm is interesting. Although it is still new, it creates waves and spans different utilities, promising exponential growth and function. Among the new coins created this year, BudBlockz (BLUNT) stands to be one of the coins to perform wonderfully.

BudBlockz (BLUNT) is an autonomous blockchain platform serving as an alternative market for the cannabis industry. The radical and unpredicted growth of the platform owes to the bridge it has with cannabis enthusiasts and crypto traders, facilitating the safe and decentralized purchase of cannabis products through its native token, $BLUNT.

Regardless of the crypto blizzard that hit significant currencies this year, $BLUNT managed to retain its value and increase daily, as seen in the sporadic climb of its price.

The ability to maintain this rise can be attributed to incorporating various utilities. BudBlockz has positioned itself for radical and continuous growth by introducing its collection of 10,000 NFTs, called Ganja Guruz, and providing holders of these NFTs the opportunity to purchase fractional ownership of cannabis businesses through the BudBlockz platform.

It is no surprise that investors believe BudBlockz might become one of the most significant projects. Further cementing its aim for growth, BudBlockz plans to increase security by launching the $BLUNT token on Uniswap in 2023 to checkmate the recent malicious attacks from regulators. All these characteristics and factors are why the token continues to see higher prices.

Learn more about BudBlockz (BLUNT) at the links below:

Official Website: 

Presale Registration:: 

BudBlockz Community Links:

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